Key assets for GISMO: highly skilled and specialised personnel

The personnel that work for GISMO is composed of:

  • 2 full-time engineers and 1 technician. Each of the three analytical sectors is managed by a different team-member.

GISMO is coordinated by the director, Dr Jean Lévêque, assisted by an advisory committee composed of 8 members including GISMO researchers, engineers and technicians, and 1 expert from Welience Agro-Environnement.


Philippe Amiotte-Suchet
uB Associate Professor
carbon, continent-ocean inputs, DOC, DIC, water-soil systems, soil dynamics

Pierre-Yves Collin
uB Associate Professor
carbonates, diagenesis, microbialites, petrophysics, sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy

Jean-François Deconinck
uB Professor
climate control and geodynamics, clays, diagenesis, bentonites, cyclostratigraphy

Christophe Durlet
uB Associate Professor
carbonates, diagenesis, sedimentology


Emmanuel Fara
uB professor
palaeontology, macroevolution, macroecology, cephalopods, morphometry, statistics, cladistics

Jean Lévêque
uB Associate Professor, Director GISMO
soil, biological activity, organic matter, clay-humic complex, DOC, stable isotopes, δ15N, δ13C

Olivier Mathieu
uB Associate Professor
soil, δ15N, δ13C, greenhouse gases (N2O, CO2, CH4), organic matter, DOC, isotope labelling

Pierre Pellenard
uB Associate Professor
sediments, palaeoclimate, volcanism, geodynamics, isotopic dating, geochemistry, clays, bentonites


Emmanuelle Pucéat
uB Professor
terrestrial climate, palaeotemperatures, palaeocirculation, δ18O, calcite, phosphate

Mathieu Thévenot
uB Associate Professor
soil, water, SOM, DOC, isotope geochemistry, δ13C, isotopic and molecular markers

Christophe Thomazo
uB Associate Professor
δ34S, oxygenation, Precambrian evolution

Emmanuelle Vennin
uB Professor, Director SEDS team
petrology, carbonates, sedimentology, palaeoecology, basin sedimentation, bioconstruction

Technical team

Ludovic Bruneau
CNRS Technician

Ivan Jovovic
CNRS Engineer


Anne-Lise Santoni
uB Engineer

Emilie Steimetz
uB Technician


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